I'm returning to work and want to express milk for my baby. What do I need?

Returning to work can be daunting when you have a baby. But with Spectra pumps, we try and make things that little bit easier for you.

When you purchase our pumps, they come with everything you need to get started for single or double pumping;

  • The pump
  • Shields and tubing
  • Backflow protectors and valves
  • Milk storage bottles

You should purchase spare parts like valves and backflow protectors just in case - especially if you will be pumping regularly each day. See our article on how often to replace each part.

A cooler bag and an ice-brick can be handy to transport your expressed milk from your workplace. If you do not have a fridge at your work to store your milk, you can store it in your chilled cooler bag.

Check our breastmilk storage guidelines for further information.

Please be sure to be mindful of environmental conditions and milk storage. For instance do not leave the cooler bag in the sun for long periods on a 30 degree day!

If you are planning to begin pumping before you go back to work so that you have a freezer stash of milk to rely on 'just in case,' you can purchase breast milk storage bags to freeze your milk or additional bottles to do the same.

We have a range of milk storage products to choose from.

Tips for smoothing the transition back to work

Along with making sure you have the correct breast pump accessories (and spare parts!), there are some things you can do ahead of time to make the transition back to work much easier. You can make sure you get the hang of pumping before returning to work by using your breast pump a few weeks ahead of time. You can also pack your breast pump bag the night before, or do a test run the week before. See our blog fore more tips on easing the transition back to work.

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